Working hours
As we are a service company our clients expect a consistent set of hours of availability. We ask your working day is a continuous set of hours (except of a lunch break of course), between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm; i.e. if you would like to finish at 4 pm, start work at 7:30 am.
A vacation request needs to be made at least 2 months in advance by email and approved by Management to avoid resource planning conflicts. Days have to be accrued in order to take vacation.
We encourage our employees to take regular vacation based on their annual allotment. If we observe an accumulation of vacation time from the previous year, we may request for you to take vacation for a specified period. You will be given at least four weeks notice (based on the employment laws).
Your available vacation time which is accumulated throughout the year appears on your pay stub in the unit of hours. To calculate the number of days, divide by 8. For example:
For your rights regarding Vacation, visit the CNESST website.
Last updated