The CivilCode Playbook


To craft reliable and sustainable software that powers your business using transparent and collaborative practices.


  • Share ownership

  • Build reliably and sustainably

  • Be transparent

  • Invest in relationships


  • Shared Ownership: not one person stuck with a project, someone else can deploy/launch, redundancy

  • Reliability: build things that work (i.e. we can sleep at night, we can be on vacation without interruption, that includes the customer)

  • Sustainability: continual investment from client, we can continually add features

  • Transparency: clients being upfront about budgets, be upfront about our mistakes

  • Professional Development: investing in ourselves and other team members

  • Efficiency: good, repeatable processes, consistency across projects, agreed set of technologies

About the CivilCode Collective

The CivilCode Collective, a group of freelance developers, build tailored business applications in Elixir and Phoenix in Montreal, Canada.

Last updated