Roles and responsibilities


  • Team members need to know where to go to

  • Help focusing

  • Things don't fall through the crack


The roles in a project and their related responsibilities follow. Of course, the responsible for an activity can delegate to other team members.

Project Manager

  • Communicate with client

  • Coordinate with Product Owner

  • Domain expert

  • Drive specification workshops

  • Manage backlog and triage

  • Deploy to staging

  • Demo new abilities

  • Request User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

  • Deploy to production

Product Owner

  • Provide test data

  • Participate in specification workshops

  • Accept new abilities

  • Domain expert

Technical Lead

  • Review plan/design from peers

  • Monitor and evolve architecture and coding practices

  • Mentor/guide team members


  • Participate in specification workshops

  • Review plan/design from peers

  • Pair program

  • Review code from peers

  • Demo new abilities


  • Document specifications

  • Document module/ability plan/design

  • Request plan/design review

Last updated